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Wholesome Wellness (Life's Friend)


  • Drains out excess water from body: Parsley in the blend is a nutritional powerhouse with vitamins A, B, C and K and the minerals iron and potassium. It helps reduce water retention and bloating (edema). It is a natural diuretic, which helps to eliminate excess fluid without depleting the body of potassium. Beyond water weight, parsley aids in balancing blood sugar, helping with long-term weight balance. It also plays a key role in preventing the degenerative effects of diabetes on the liver. 

  • Increases skin elasticity: With the intra cellular excess water drained out, the skin becomes turgid and glows. Rosemary further reduces skin puffiness.

  • Detoxifies body: Almost all the leaves contained in the blend are anti-inflammatory in nature. They boost the immune system. Coupled with the diuretic effect of parsley, the blend is a powerful detox drink. It cleanses the body and rejuvenates it.

  • Improves metabolism: The three types of Tulsi – Ram Tulsi, Shyam Tulsi, and Sweet Tulsi, boost the body metabolism and help burn excess fat. 

  • Mitigates stress: Rosemary is a mood elevator, stress busting leaf that improves memory and concentration. 

  • The blend owes its sweetness to stevia – a natural sweetener with zero calories.

  • Oregano in the blend is good for skin and helps clear acne, black heads, and blemishes.

Wholesome Wellness (Life's Friend)

₹1,000.00 Regular Price
₹900.00Sale Price
    • WholeLeaves recommends using the blend at least twice everyday for three consecutive months to see visible benefits. However, you will start feeling the impact within a month of using it.

    • You can have the blend any time of the day. However, resist having it first thing in the morning (empty stomach).

    • It is recommended to powder the entire content in one go before starting to use it. This ensures the ratio of the leaves is consistent in every sip, which is the key to the benefits it has

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